• 26 May 2021 8:26 PM | Anonymous

    Hi neighbors! If you're not already on the email list for Piedmont Heights (it's free to sign up), here's the latest newsletter. 


    Highlights include:

    • The Carlyle Venue (PHCA Presenting Sponsor)
    • ShelfGenie of Atlanta (PHCA Impact Sponsor)
    • Bob Glascock Realty (PHCA Impact Sponsor)
    • 2021 PiHi Tshirt Revealed!
    • Filming in Piedmont Heights?
    • ATL311 Tickets
    • Historic Preservation Month - Mayson Chapel Baptist Church

    • Osteria 832 Giveaway

    • News from The Buttery ATL, Indie Studios, Phidippides

    • And more...

  • 13 May 2021 2:59 PM | Anonymous

    Kristina is a new resident of Piedmont Heights, having just moved into our vibrant corner of Atlanta less than six months ago. She has already jumped right in as a volunteer for the Piedmont Heights Civic Association. We asked Kristina to share a bit about herself. If you'd like to nominate a neighbor to be in a future Resident Spotlight, let us know so that PHCA Communications Volunteer Helen Kacur from Rockridge Place can get in touch!

    What do you like to do for fun?

    As the mom of five-year-old, highly gifted Beau the poodle, I spend a lot of time playing at the dog park, picking up toys, and buying new shoes. I love cooking, wine, and most water sports like kayaking, and I’m certified for scuba diving.

    What brought you to the neighborhood?

    Frankly, the pandemic. I lost my job when the lockdown started. While I was looking for a new job, I visited friends in Atlanta and fell in love with the city and this great neighborhood. We bought the new home site unseen.

    What do you love most about Piedmont Heights?

    People are genuinely kind. The area is very liberal and open, and even during a pandemic, there is so much to do and see.

    Where do you hope most to visit?

    I am dying to use my passport… at this point, anywhere. I got the travel rush when I got it out to use for my new GA license.

    For what are you most grateful for today?

    Our freedom, health and prosperity.

    Thanks to Helen Kacur for volunteering to interview Jim and write this Resident Spotlight!

  • 06 May 2021 12:25 PM | Anonymous

    PHCA Sponsor North Georgia Replacement Windows will be at the Atlanta Home Show at the Cobb Galleria from May 21-23.

    They have a limited number of Home Show tickets they can give out, so give them a call and mention "Piedmont Heights" to snag yours before they're gone. First come first serve.

    Stop by and visit these wonderful folks at Booth #606.

    Atlanta Home Show hours:

    • Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
    • Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    • Sunday, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

    North Georgia Replacement Windows has monthly specials all year long, so be sure to check them out. 

    See what an incredible transformation new windows can bring to your space! Enjoy more daylight and bigger, better views of Piedmont Heights with Infinity from Marvin fiberglass windows. Window shopping made simple!

  • 22 Apr 2021 7:00 PM | Anonymous

    Update after the April 22 City of Atlanta In Rem Hearing with APD's Code Enforcement Division:

    PHCA President Jim Hardy had the opportunity to speak briefly at the In Rem Hearing this morning and voiced our neighborhood concerns. He recommended the In Rem Board accept the staff recommendation to demolish the property and to charge Paces Properties the cost of that demolition. The attorney for Paces Properties argued against their paying for the demolition, claiming that would delay the sale to Fairfield Properties. Fairfield's attorney was not supportive of our position, either. The In Rem Board Chair advised they did not have the power to recommend who paid for the demolition—unfortunately.

    He then requested that Paces Properties pay for 24/7 security on the site. Based on Jim's experience as a security consultant, the new fencing they put in yesterday would not keep the place secure. Paces' attorney argued they had spent so much on this week's fencing and clean-up, they couldn't afford 24/7 security. The In Rem Board advised they did not have the power to make that recommendation, either.

    Bottom Line: The In Rem Board voted to agree with the demolition recommendation and give them 120 days to comply. While it's not a perfect outcome, it may be better than nothing. Fairfield Residential plans to demolish the property after the sale is completed.

    On behalf of the PHCA Board, we appreciate the large number of people who signed up for the hearing. We saw many supportive comments in the Zoom chat. Thanks particularly to Ben Nemo, president of the Morningside/Lenox Park Neighborhood Association for his comments to the In Rem Board.

    We will be talking more with Richard Munger from Fairfield Residential (the new buyer of this property) and will continue to raise our concerns with him, particularly having security on the site 24/7.

    Jim will be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau concerning Paces Properties' abandonment of the site and their lack of corporate responsibility. We encourage our community partners who are frustrated by this blight on our community to consider taking the same measure. You can also write to the mayor and other community officials. 

    We urge our neighbors and other interested citizens to register for the InRem Hearing, scheduled for Thursday, April 22. LEARN MORE HERE about how to register.

    WhatNowAtlanta – Fairfield Residential Plans Luxury Project At Former InTown Suites Site 

    Updates from the 4/19/21 NPU-F Meeting. THANK YOU to everyone who was able to attend this meeting. On April 19, an attorney for Paces Properties advised they have reached an agreement with the City to start clean-up on the property on Tuesday, April 20. Paces also agreed to put new fencing up. The company who has a contract to purchase the property from Paces Properties ((Fairfield Residential) will hire security for the site. The attorney also advised he believes the InRem hearing will be postponed to a later date to allow the clean-up and sale to be completed.

    From the view of the Piedmont Heights Civic Association, Paces Properties blatantly abandoned the property more than two years ago and allowed it to become a blight on our community. The City of Atlanta showed a total lack of corporate or citizen responsibility by their lack of any discernible action. Paces Properties also failed to acknowledge numerous citations issued on the property. The City staff recommendations for the property were to demolish it. We believe that demolishing the existing structure to be an appropriate action, one that Paces Properties should have to pay. Punitive action is entirely appropriate, and let it serve as a message to other property owners of the importance of living up to their responsibilities as good stewards and citizens of Piedmont Heights.

    We urge our neighbors and other interested citizens to register for the InRem Hearing, scheduled for Thursday, April 22. LEARN MORE HERE about how to register.

    Updates from the 4/6/21 PHCA Meeting. THANK YOU to everyone who could join us. You asked fantastic questions! A few highlights from the presentation by Mr. Richard Munger, Vice President – Development, Fairfield Residential, the company that has a contract with the current owner (Paces Properties) to purchase this property and create luxury apartment units.

    Feel free to contact Mr. Munger with any questions or to the PHCA Board with your thoughts, but here are a few highlights:

    • Fairfield has been around for more than 35 years and is a vertically integrated company, meaning they do a lot of things under one roof instead of contracting everything out. For multifamily living, they specialize in providing development, construction, renovation, asset management, property management, etc.
    • They're headquartered on the West coast and have regional offices across the country. Atlanta is their southeast regional HQ, and they have multiple multifamily properties here already. 
    • The property is currently zoned MRC-2, and they plan to keep that zoning. This property is also in the Beltline Overlay District (all of Piedmont Heights is...)
    • Plans to DEMOLISH the existing structure versus RENOVATE. There will be asbestos cleanup involved as well as soil remediation work related to a previous leak from the nearby gas station onto this property. 
    • They plan to build luxury apartments on this site. Because of significant topography changes on this site, the levels would vary from 4 stories to 6 stories. 
      • Approximately 375-386 units, split between studios/1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units. Units rented at market rate would likely range between $1,400-$1,700 for studios/1 bedroom and $1,900-$2,500 for 2 bedroom.
      • 15% set aside for inclusive/affordable housing units. 
      • No retail incorporated into the plan for a variety of reasons, including parking restrictions within Beltline Overlay District.
    • They hope to close on their purchase contract in late summer. Expect a 2-year construction period. Security will be on-site during all off-hours, including nights and weekends, during construction.
    • Entrance/exits would be on Piedmont Circle and Piedmont Road. Keep in mind that GDOT has plans for a roundabout nearby across from Fire Station 29. There's another discussion for changes further down the road at the Monroe/Armour intersection.
    • Parking garage would be gated for residents and their visitors. Some visitor parking in front of the leasing office outside the gate. Keyfobs would be required for residents to enter the interior building structures. A courtesy officer will be available, and they are prepared to hire security patrol for the site as well. Perimeter fencing will also be in place. 
    • They will apply for the same tax abatement that Paces Properties secured (although they could not take advantage of it because they did not do anything with the property to meet the requirements).  
    • Overall, a $90 million investment in this property - the largest they've ever done in Atlanta. 
    • The name of the complex is yet to be determined. We hope it will not be named after another neighborhood like most of the other complexes are (Ansley Forest, Gables Midtown, etc.) Feel free to weigh in!

    A few photos shared during the presentation:

    Original info: Learn more at our next virtual PHCA Monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 6, at 7pm.

    Several things are in the works:

    • APD's Code Enforcement has cited the property owner for failing to adequately maintain the property. The City of Atlanta has scheduled an InRem hearing in late April. We hope to provide you with a way to join this hearing online once they announce those details. 
    • Another developer is interested in purchasing the property and creating apartments. A representative from this company will be joining our meeting on April 6. 
    • Meanwhile, this area is near a major proposed traffic redo being proposed by GDOT.
    • And, APD just helped remove multiple homeless from the property and has attempted to secure the fencing barrier to prevent further entry. Thank you to our officers!

    Never a dull moment in Piedmont Heights!

  • 20 Apr 2021 9:28 PM | Anonymous

    It's time for the 2nd Annual Piedmont Heights shirt!

    Help us out by answering a few quick questions from our designer (an amazing Atlanta muralist - to be announced soon!).

    Be opinionated – take our survey!

  • 20 Apr 2021 8:35 PM | Anonymous

    The PHCA Board is a small group – fewer than 12 neighborhood volunteers, but we often hear from neighbors who are passionate about Piedmont Heights – and frustrated by the increase in crime, concerns about safety, and the lack of enforcement by the City to fix these ongoing issues. 

    Here are a few ways you, our neighbor, can help!

    We're all experiencing the impact of the increased business at the clubs in this area – and the violence, noise, and lewd and threatening conduct of some of their patrons. As clubs in other parts of Metro Atlanta closed, their business came here. We're all frustrated and angry about the situation. Our Civic Association has been working tirelessly with other neighborhoods, NPU-F, Atlanta Police, Councilmember Ide's office, other Council members, and some dedicated citizen groups to not just respond to the increasing criminal activity around the clubs but to change the antiquated and ill-enforced liquor licensing laws in the City and to make the License Review Board do their job to support the citizens of Atlanta.

    The City Council recently formed a Task Force Group to make recommendations for changes. Councilmember Ide is on that Task Force, and two members of NPU-F are also on it. We've provided a number of recommended changes, primarily about inspections and enforcement of the laws and policies. The Mayor's Nuisance Properties Task Force is also taking action against some of the worst offending clubs.

    All of those actions unfortunately take time. You'll probably remember it took PHCA more than two years to get the liquor license for the former Room Service Lounge suspended for a year, which led to their closure.

    We believe that combining forces and making more voices heard is what makes a difference. 

    • Report all incidents to the Police by calling 911 and follow-up with PHCA to inform us about the incident. 
    • Attend Piedmont Heights Civic Association Board Meetings on Zoom and voice your concerns. We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm - check the calendar for the next meeting.
    • Contact us with your concerns.
    • Attend NPU-F meetings and ask questions when Atlanta Police representatives give their presentations.
    • Contact our City Council Members (both District 6 and the At-Large Council Members) pushing them for action.
    • Also email the Mayor and the City Council President.
    • Attend the Atlanta License Review Board hearings to see how they operate. The more they see from neighborhoods, the more they'll take notice of our concerns.
    • Consider joining the PHCA Board of Directors or volunteering with us. We're a small group, but we work tirelessly to make our community stronger.
    • For businesses, become a member of our sister organization, PiHi Alliance.

    Love your community by showing up, speaking up, and supporting your neighborhood. 

  • 14 Apr 2021 12:48 PM | Anonymous

    Regina, along with her husband, Paul, has been a resident of Piedmont Heights for nearly nine years. Here are a few questions we asked Regina to get to know her better.

    Where do you hope most to visit when the pandemic is over?

    Any island sounds amazing right now to just relax at a pool next to the beach and go scuba diving. Or maybe Puerto Vallarta, a place we love to visit.

    In the meantime, what does an ideal day in Piedmont Heights look like for you?

    I’d start the day with breakfast at home, then head over to Ansley Mall for some shopping, get my nails done, and then have lunch at Bantam & Biddy. Next, I’d stroll to Piedmont Park and the Botanical Gardens. After resting at home for a bit, I’d head over for drinks at the rooftop at Grana and then have dinner there. To end the evening, I’d share a little time at a neighbor’s house.

    What are your other favorite restaurants or stores?

    Our favorite restaurant is Grindhouse Burgers. For shopping I enjoy Richard’s Variety Shop and, of course, Publix.

    What was your first job?

    I was a telemarketer for a dating service. This was before they had the websites and apps.

    What's your favorite word?

    Hope. It is a word I’ve learned to cherish from my brother who passed nine years ago.

    For what are you most grateful for today?

    My health. And the support, guidance, and love of my husband and our fur babies, family, friends, and business partners.

    Thanks to Piedmont Heights Resident Helen Kacur for volunteering to interview Jim and write this Resident Spotlight!

  • 31 Mar 2021 1:18 PM | Anonymous

    Thanks to Debra Gibson-Welch for taking these photos during production of The First Ladies, a new Showtime TV series.

    The scenes at RSPC will portray First Lady Betty Ford, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, attending the funeral of Martin Luther King, Jr. The series will also feature Viola Davis as First Lady Michelle Obama.

    More on the show on IndieWire.com.

  • 23 Mar 2021 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    Need something fun for the kids? Check out the upcoming kids camps at Play Kefi in Buckhead!


    Spring Break (April 5-9)

    Half day camps for Kefi members and guests ages 3-12. For more information about Jurassic Journey camp for kids 3-6, visit here. For more information about Wizarding World camp for kids 7-12, visit here. To inquire about membership, visit here.

    Break Into Business (June 7-11 and June 14-18)

    Afternoon camp for ages 9-14 (open to non-members). Kids will join a small cohort of entrepreneurs for 5 sessions with business coaches. We’ll cover People, Product, Profit, Promotion, and Pitch. Learn more about Break Into Business at Kefi here. 

    Summer Camps (June 14-18, June 21-25, July 12-16 and July 26-30)

    Half day camps for Kefi members and guests ages 3-12. Kids will be divided into groups by age.

  • 18 Mar 2021 3:46 PM | Anonymous

    UPDATE - Congrats to our Bracket Challenge Winners!

    • Men's Tournament
      • 1st place - David from Rock Springs Lane
      • 2nd place - Kelly from Rock Springs Lane
      • 3rd place - Sam from Monroe Dr.
    • Women's Tournament
      • 1st place - Charles from Pelham
      • 2nd place - Jeff from Pelham
      • 3rd place - Meg from Flagler

    We can't wait for next year's bracket challenges!

    Original: Now's your chance to enjoy a friendly NCAA March Madness bracket challenge and maybe win a PiHi T-shirt at the same time!

    Enter our men's and women's March Madness bracket challenges for your chance to win. You must live in Piedmont Heights. Limited to two brackets per tournament.

    Men's Tournament - deadline to enter is Friday, March 19, at 12:15pm

    Women's Tournament - deadline to enter is Sunday, March 21, at noon

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Contact Us

Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324