Street Captains

PHCA's Street Captains (also known as "Ambassadors") are an asset to Piedmont Heights. These neighbor volunteers assist our Membership & Communications Committees in distributing information regarding upcoming events as well as letting us know when there's a new homeowner that needs a Welcome Packet with our fantastic free gifts! They spread the word about our organization and help ensure their closest neighbors know about our email newsletter, Security Patrol benefit that comes with membership, and more. 

New to the Neighborhood?

If you're new to the neighborhood and need help meeting some of your neighbors, let us know, and we'll put you in touch with your Street Captain!

Thank You, Street Captains!

A round of applause to these PiHi neighbors:

  • Allen Rd – Juliana Shields
  • Ansley Parkside – Tim Berube
  • Ansley Monroe Villas – Susan Roberts
  • Flagler – Needs a volunteer
  • Gotham Way – Needs a volunteer
  • Kilburn – Needs a volunteer
  • Lebanon – Needs a volunteer
  • Monroe – Julie Hill
  • Montgomery Ferry – Fabricio Moraes and looking for one extra volunteer
  • Pelham – Needs a volunteer
  • Piedmont Way – Jane Shalhoub
  • Rock Springs Rd – Jill Knowles, Holly McCue, Irene & Bill Seay
  • Rock Springs Lane – Needs a volunteer
  • Rockridge Place – Helen Kacur
  • White Oak Hollow – Needs a volunteer
  • Wimbledon – Ashish Bhimani, Bryan DeLong, and Hanish Patel

Interested in helping out as a PiHi Street Captain?
Reach out to the Membership & Communications Chair.

Building Community—Street by Street

In addition to our Street Captains, so many PiHi residents have come up with different ways to get to know their closest neighbors even better!

A few ideas for you to consider – let us know if we can help you get started by providing some resources!

  • Host a happy hour for your street – maybe even combine with a donation drive for a good cause (Rockridge Place!)
  • Create printed street directories based on a quick questionnaire (Pelham!)
  • Set up an email group just for neighbors on your street (Flagler!)
  • Stay connected with a Facebook group for your street (Wimbledon!)

Major Neighborhood Projects

Upcoming events

PiHi News

PiHi in the News

Contact Us

Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324