Oh, what a year it has been, wouldn't you say?
Despite our masks and social distancing, you neighbors of our Piedmont Heights community, our "Small Town in a Big City" sure managed to do a lot of great stuff this year!
We highlighted many of these during our Annual Neighborhood Meeting back in November, but just in case you missed it, keep on reading.
But first, we would like to be able to do even more in 2021—once a vaccine is in place. Wouldn't a neighborhood celebration just be wonderful?! We are currently looking for Annual Sponsors from the business community to help us increase our funding and do some really fun stuff in 2021. Please spread the word! More info here...
2020 in Review
In no particular order, because they're all awesome!
Spreading the Piedmont Heights news. We opened up our Email Newsletter for ALL residents, not just members! If you're not already on the list, just sign up—and tell your neighbors! Already, we have more than 450 people on the list. We're also doing more on social media, Nextdoor, etc.
Luminaries Night: Honoring our Healthcare Heroes during the pandemic. Keep honoring our healthcare heroes as well as essential workers by wearing a mask and following all the precautions - stay safe!
New Board Members. We are thrilled to welcome five new board members to our board of directors starting in January! Thank you, Brad Anderson (Gotham Way), Christopher Helwig (Monroe Place), Helen Kacur (Rockridge Place), Tom Markovik (Flagler), and Susan Roberts (Ansley Monroe Villas).
Monthly Board Meetings went virtual: Join us anytime! 1st Tuesday of every month.
Beltline Progress. Part of "our" Northeast Trail section should open by the end of January 2021! Here's a recap from their recent meeting...
Neighborhood Cleanup Days. Thanks to PiHi Alliance (our sister organization for our neighborhood businesses) in the Armour-Ottley area, by the former Intown Suites hotel, and one additional location.
Art in Piedmont Heights. Thanks to a City of Atlanta grant, we hired local artists to paint two more traffic signal boxes. What beautiful creations by Angie Jerez and Charity Hamidullah!
Foodie Updates. We're so thankful for our strong restaurant community, especially during the pandemic. They have pivoted time and time again while feeding us hungry folks! Grana and The Buttery ATL both opened during the pandemic. Panera closed; Brooklyn Bagels is opening in spring 2021. Woofs Sports Bar expanded. Lazy Llama replaced HobNob. Check out all the restaurants in Piedmont Heights and visit them often for curbside pickup (or delivery) to ensure their survival during these challenging times.
Virtual Tour—Secret Garden, Iconic Bank: Piedmont Heights’ Historic Impact. This inspiring event included special guests from the Atlanta History Center, Atlanta Preservation Center, and Docomomo Georgia to celebrate the unique history or two Piedmont Heights landmarks. Watch the event.
Transportation Projects. In addition to street repaving projects, there are several big transportation projects in the works, particularly with the Armour community, such as a proposed roundabout that we're not too keen on, and more.
Safety is Top of Mind. Our safety continues to be a priority. Remember, we installed several License Plate Reader Cameras in 2018, but we still need your help EVERY DAY to keep a clean car. Please don't leave weapons in your vehicles, and don't leave your car running while unattended - it happens more often than you think, resulting in a LOT of stolen cars.
Piedmont Heights 2020 T-shirt. Our first annual T-shirt! We can't wait to do our next one in 2021! We'll be distributing the shirts December 18 & 19 at various locations in Armour Yards.
Fundraising for our Foundation. Thanks to YOU, our neighborhood Foundation raised more than $3,200 evenwithout our beloved annual Fandango event. Special thanks to residents Donna Bryans Gensler and Drew Niess for grants from their respective grant-giving foundations, the Bryans Family Foundation and the Allstate Foundation! And a special thanks to Doc Chey's for hosting a Dine Out Fundraiser!
LOTS of new PHCA members! Approximately 25 Homes joined (or rejoined after being lapsed) and 1 new apartment renter joined this year, almost all of these between September and December. These new members provide more than $5,000 in revenue for Piedmont Heights! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We also added monthly membership plans in addition to our annual plans.
New Piedmont Heights Neighbors! We welcomed more than a dozen new homeowners to our community with info about Piedmont Heights. Thanks to ASW Distillery for providing bottles of hand sanitizer that we included in our welcome pack!
Piedmont Heights Gift Shop with Home Accessories. At our new online gift shop, you can order Piedmont Heights aprons, pillows, notebooks, shower curtains, and more. Perfect gift for welcoming a new neighbor or for outfitting a rental property in PiHi!
Looking forward to 2021! Happy holidays from Kathleen the Cow; she's all decked out for the season!