Halloween Safety Tips - By Officer Tony Singh of PH Security Patrol

21 Oct 2019 1:19 PM | Anonymous

Hello all,

For dissemination, are safety tips for adults, and kids, to help keep everyone safe on Halloween.

Your Off Duty APD Officers will be patrolling the neighborhood during prime trick or treat hours, I will also be working, and manning the patrol cell phone. I have made contact with Zone 2, and there will be extra on duty Zone 2 patrols during Halloween as well.

Please feel free to share the tips below, and we remind residents to always call 911 first then the patrol cell phone when reporting suspicious activity.

Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.

Plan a trick-or-treating route in familiar neighborhoods with well-lit streets.

Hold a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others see you. WALK and don’t run from house to house.

Only walk on sidewalks whenever possible, or on the far edge of the road facing traffic to stay safe.

Be careful when you cross a street. Make sure to look in both directions and make sure that there are no cars coming. If you have a little brother or sister with you, take their hand and help them get across the street, too. If the street has a stop light, wait until the cross walk light tells you that it is okay to cross now, but still check before you cross, look both ways.

Choose bright costumes, and have children carry flashlights or glow sticks so they are easily visible. (Hint – Try adding reflective tape to costumes and candy bags!)

Never, ever go into a strangers house or even ring their door for treats unless your parents are with you and say that it’s okay.

Always walk younger children to the door to receive treats.

Be sure children do not approach any vehicle, occupied or not, unless you are with them.

Never accept rides from strangers.

Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them. Limit the amount of treats you eat.

Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.

Make sure children know your cellphone number, their home telephone number, and address in case you are separated.

Consider giving them a cellphone so they can reach you easily.

Teach children how to call 911 in an emergency.

Teach children to say “NO!” in a loud voice if someone tries to get them to go somewhere, accept anything other than a treat, or leave with them. Tell them to try everything they can to escape, including yelling, hitting, and kicking,

Have a safe and happy Halloween, see you in the neighborhood..

Tony Singh

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