Resident Spotlight: Jane Shalhoub

14 Oct 2021 6:02 PM | Anonymous

Meet Piedmont Heights Resident, Jane Shalhoub, M.Ed

It is not often that we turn the spotlight on a resident who has called Piedmont Heights home for forty years! But that is the case with Jane Shalhoub who moved to the neighborhood in 1981. She is a retired middle school educator who taught at both Inman Middle School and Christ the King School. Here is what she had to share:

What is something about you that surprises people?

I know how to juggle, and I can play the ukulele.

What makes Piedmont Heights such a great neighborhood?

The people. Many of the residents, like myself, have lived here for many, many years and are invested in the growth and future of our community. It is close-knit, safe, and pet- and children friendly.

What’s your favorite Piedmont Heights store?

The new Brooklyn Bagel is SO good. The menu is fresh and interesting, and the bagels are delicious and authentic.

What is the best Halloween costume you’ve ever had?

I grew up with nine siblings, and every year my Mom, God bless her, made costumes for all of us for the school costume parade. One year she found a discarded dress with a pattern that looked like armor. So I went as Joan of Arc and won first prize!

What was your first job?

I grew up in northern Wisconsin and picked cherries each season with my siblings. It was sticky and exciting. We still laugh about it, and anytime we pay for some expense, we say “Now how many pails of cherries would I need to pick to pay for this?”

Thanks to Helen Kacur for volunteering to interview Jen and write this Resident Spotlight!

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1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324