Piedmont Heights Civic Association (PHCA) Annual Neighborhood Meeting
FREE and open for all residents of the Piedmont Heights neighborhood, whether you're an owner or renter in a home or in an apartment complex, and whether or not you're a member of the Piedmont Heights Civic Association (PHCA). Welcome!
Mix and mingle with your neighbors in PiHi and enjoy complimentary hors d'oeuvres. Alcoholic beverages, sodas, etc. will be available for purchase.
RSVP for this free event on EventBrite
Get "In the Know" with our PiHi lineup! Learn all about...
- A word from our City Council Representatives
- Safety tips and how you can help combat crime in #PiHi and #Atlanta
- PHCA Finance report
- PHCA President's Report – The Latest from Piedmont Heights
- PHCA Members elect Board Members for 2022-2024*
- And more!
Please join us for hor'dourves at our Presenting Sponsor, The Carlyle Venue, see their gorgeous space, meet and mingle with your Piedmont Heights neighbors, and learn about what's happening in your community!
Tickets not required (No need to print your tickets!), but please RSVP online.
COVID-19 Notes
Please bring a mask to wear for times when you're not eating or drinking, particularly during the meeting portion. If you feel ill or exhibit any symptoms of illness, DO NOT ATTEND this event. Let's each do our part to help keep each other safe and healthy.

If you have questions ahead of time, please let us know so that we can do our best to address them during the meeting.
Also, be sure you're on our email newsletter list. Sign up here. Note: PHCA Members are already on the list.
* If you'd like to vote at the Annual Neighborhood Meeting, be sure to join PHCA as a member before November 7. We have monthly and annualmembership plans online at https://piedmontheights.org/Join
Legal Disclaimer - Warning: Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering this event or these premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.