Piedmont Heights' TGIF at Gotham Way Park

  • 08 Jun 2018
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Gotham Way Park

School is over!  Summer is almost here!  Before it gets too hot to be outside, bring your cooler and your family to our very own Gotham Way Park for a summer kick off party with the Piedmont Heights community.  Join us for…

Piedmont Heights’ TGIF at Gotham Way Park
Friday, June 8th
Light Refreshments/Snacks 
BYOB (and/or dinner)
Door Prizes and 
Live Music!! 

Please RSVP by clicking here

Door Prizes

  • $50 Gift certificate for Anis Café & Bistro
  • $50 Gift certificate for Storico Fresco
  • $40 Gift certificate for Taqueria del Sol
  • A Magnum of a Super Tuscan Wine!!

Not a PHCA member, no problem!  Stop by to meet our members and learn more about the organization.

Reach out to membership@piedmontheights.org if you have any questions. 

PiHi News

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Contact Us

Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324