PHCA Monthly Meeting - Updated Rezoning Requests

  • 11 Apr 2017
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Fellowsip Hall, Rock Spring Presbyterian Church

PHCA Monthly Meeting - Updated Rezoning Requests 

PHCA, Piedmont Heights residents, and neighbors are invited to attend our monthly PHCA tomorrow April 11th, 2017 at Fellowship Hall at the Rock Spring Presbyterian Church.

The meeting agenda will include re-zoning requests from Hedgewood Homes and Mill Creek ( Modera Morningside)

Residents will be able to view the final plans for Hedgewood Homes’s request to change zoning from R-4 to PD-H zoning to build  17 homes  (Z-16-079, 1824 Piedmont  Road, NE.)  Only PHCA Board members can vote on the meeting on April 11, but residents, home owners, and business owners can vote at the NPU-F meeting at Hillside Center, 1301 Monroe Drive, at 7 pm on Monday, April 17.

#2 Modera Morningside Apartments ( Mill Creek) Mill Creek Construction has proposed a request for parking reduction for a new restaurant at Modera Morningside Apartments, 1845 Piedmont Road (V-16-322).

Click Here to see the NPU-F bylaws for voting - NPU.pdf

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Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324