PHCA Membership Drive 2024

Joining PiHi Civic Association will...

Enhance Safety for Your Home. While home security cameras are good, the PiHi Security Patrol employs off-duty, undercover Atlanta Police officers to patrol our neighborhood. Your membership includes PiHi Home Away. This service lets you notify our Security Patrol team when you’ll be away, so that we can “keep eyes” on your home.

Give You a Voice with City Government. The PiHi Civic Association has a direct connection to Atlanta City Councilman Alex Wan. Our board has input on Alcohol and Zoning License Permits in and around our neighborhood.

Build Community Connections. Through events such as the Annual Taste of PiHi, Easter Egg Hunt, Ambassador Happy Hours, and Member Appreciation Parties, you’ll get to meet and know your neighbors. PiHi Civic Association collaborates with the PiHi Business Alliance to build relationships between residents and local businesses.

Elevate PiHi as an In-town Neighborhood. Your membership dollars fund PiHi marketing efforts to expand the image of our neighborhood on social media, signage, and newsletters.

Put Us in Charge of Our Future. Our neighbors in Virginia Highland and Morningside are dealing with the proposed development at Amsterdam Walk. PiHi Civic Association completed a neighborhood Master Plan that lays out a vision for what we want our neighborhood to look like in the next 15 years.

By becoming a member of PiHi Civic Association, you make this possible.

All these efforts increase and protect the value of your home and property.

Basic Membership is $220 per Household per Year.

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Contact Us

Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324